the average person makes 35,000 decisions in a day?
Small decisions like…
What coffee to drink?
What groceries to buy?
Bigger decisions like…
Where to live?
Where to send the children to school?
These are your Financial Moments. The moment a decision is made that alters your financial future.
Do you struggle day-to-day, knowing that you want a better future for yourself and your family?
The Financial Moment can help to obtain create a promising financial future for you and your family. One Moment at a time.
Hey Guys!
I’m Carolyn,
A money coach that helps people take everyday decisions and align them with their financial goals.
I have worked in the healthcare sector in Finance for over 25 years, with the last part of a decade as a Finance Manager. Daily, I would watch people struggle with the “unexpected expenses”. Most were living pay cheque to pay cheque. When an unexpected expense would arise, the concern and worry that encompassed them was heart breaking.